Police and emergency crews search the debris of a crushed wagon after a train accident in the Tempi Valley near Larissa, Greece, March 1, 2023. – At least 32 people were killed and another 85 injured after a collision between two trains caused a derailment near the Greek city of Larissa late at night on February 28, 2023, authorities said. A fire services spokesman confirmed that three carriages skipped the tracks just before midnight after the trains — one for freight and the other carrying 350 passengers –- collided about halfway along the route between Athens and Thessaloniki. (Photo by Sakis MITROLIDIS / AFP)

Sale a 36 il bilancio delle vittime a seguito dello scontro frontale tra un treno passeggeri e uno merci avvenuto nella notte nei pressi della città greca di Larissa. Lo riporta il sito di Kathimerini. I feriti ricoverati negli ospedali sono 66, di cui sei in terapia intensiva

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